Monday, June 15, 2009

Perfect Fear Casts Out Love

Perfect Fear casts out Love This is a quote from 1 John 4:18 Well not quite...The reverse is how it reads: "Perfect Love casts out Fear". But going by the idea taught in most churches as 'good news'...well it might as well read as "Perfect Fear....." cos for some reason they think they telling people they are going to literally burn forever (and i mean trillions upon trillions of years is just the beginning) if they don't make a wise choice is somehow giving them good news..? Huh? Tell me - what good news is there in this if everything regarding eternity is up to you ultimately. This is the "ultimate no brainer" - Ie - people are given the option of going to hell forever or to a place of peace and being known they are totally accepted....Now of course what would you do if someone came along and told you " You have 2 options " I throw u into that furnace over there OR you can come to this great pool party where all your friends and loved ones will be" ...It's obvious! Yet this is seen as the good news in churches everywhere. Good news implies that something is announced! It is not called "good possibility if you make a wise choice" etc....Perfect Fear is what the idea of a literal hell/lake of fire is all about....There can be no more complete sense of fear than what is implied by unbearable physical torment forever and ever.

The above picture is from the back of a magazine I subscribe to ‘Heaven’s Metal’ fanzine – which focuses on the Christian heavy metal scene. Although I like the musical content of this magazine this picture highlights the terrible Arminian theology that permeates much of the Western world, and especially the USA. This picture perfectly shows the idea of “perfect fear casts out love” and it appeals to man’s basest fear of pain. It also infers that people aren’t living up to the pre expected standards of what Arminian theology teaches, and therefore by default leaves open ‘irredeemable guilt’ for not “living like it was true”. It doesn’t give people a sense of free will in the end anyway because I have yet to meet someone who actually wants to put their body into a lake of fire. True free will is when someone can choose from options that don’t have threats attached to them. I would argue that one can only choose freely when love has freed a person.


  1. Great post OOTC :)

    The picture with the quote "If we believe it to be true, isn't it about time we started living like it was?" is fabulous.

    I have often thought about this, but almost in a reverse way. As most Christians do not live their lives consistent with the eternal hell belief, I sometimes wonder if that provides 'proof' that they don't really believe it themselves? I mean, not REALLY. They believe it with their heads because that's what they were taught to believe, but they don't believe with their hearts.

    How can you really?

  2. Exactly Peter! I think you've hit the nail on the head. Comments like that quote show that no one really does believe it in their heart of hearts. They just can't - otherwise mental institutions would be everywhere - filled with christians.

  3. Hi Peter,I saw your comment on steve mcvey's blog, as a fellow Australian living in the usa I thought I would visit you :). I have struggled with insecurity for way to long from the armenian teaching the calvanists are no better just go round in a circle. It is all very confusing and full of fear. After endless torment over this I came across the grace message of the finished work of Christ ect.Its been difficult to transition from years of legalism to rest in Christ but its the only thing that makes any sence.
    I wish you "no worries" and have a g'day:).

  4. Hi VW....

    No, i'm not peter, but his blog is great by the way,
    Yes, the finished work of Christ is the only thing that makes any sense. Anything else that requires our 'part' to make it 'real' is a burden too grievous to bear - and can only result in endless fear.
    Sadly in many churches you would think that the message is indeed 'Perfect fear drives out love' - a reversal of the truly Good News.
